The following information is from Joe Whitelaw:
The photos were taken from two albums put together in 1918
by my mother, Elizabeth Gail Gauslin and her younger sister Mary Margaret
(Peggy) Gauslin, the youngest of Emma and Anthony (Tony) Gauslin's eight
children. My mother who was born in 1900 and lived off and on in Trona from
1915 to 1920. She was sent back east to school. Peggy was born in 1905 and
lived full time in Trona from 1915 to 1920. She attended high school in Los
Angeles, however, (Los Angeles High) beginning about 1919.
Emma, Lucie, Peggy, Elizabeth -- J. Whitelaw Collection |
Elizabeth Gail Gauslin 1917 -- J. Whitelaw Collection |
My grandparents, Emma and Anthony J. (Tony) Gauslin came to Trona in 1914 and remained
there until retirement in 1920. Tony worked for Manistec (Michigan) Ironworks as a
construction manager and had built a plant similar to the Trona plant in France prior to
World War One. Manistec therefor sent him to Trona to oversee construction of that plant.
He left Manistec Ironworks and became the first plant manager in Trona.
house -- J. Whitelaw Collection 1915-1920 |
From about 1915 until 1920 they lived in one of the 2 story houses
as shown in the photos. I understand that the Town Manager lived in
the other one. The only time I have been in Trona was in 1947 and
both house were standing at that time. 1n 1920 my grandfather
retired and moved to Los Angeles.
Tony died in 1922, four years before I was born, so I never met him. However my
grandmother lived until 1944 and she, my mother and Peggy all had fond memories of Trona
which they shared with us.

Gauslin's house under construction -- J. Whitelaw Collection 1915-1920 |

Anthony J. Gauslin at Kern River -- J. Whitelaw Collection |