Austin Hall: Photo by unknown The photo above is of
Austin hall. It was built in 1914 and was torn down 1965.
Austin Hall T-shirts with this
picture are available to visitors of Trona from the
In the early 1900s dozens of promoters and miners tried
unsuccessfully to recover soda ash from the lakes surface. The California Trona
Company borrowed nearly $2 million to build two experimental plants to recover soda ash,
potash, borax and sodium sulfate from the lake. Deep in debt, placed in receivership
before the facilities were completed.
Serving as receiver for the failed business, S. W. Austin began building roads onto the
lake and drilling exploratory wells. The Valleys earliest operators had quite
literally, scratched only the surface of the lakes mineral wealth. Early operators
recovered borax by scraping crystals from the lakes surface crust. Austin discovered
a mineral-rich layer of salts about 100 feet beneath the surface. Operators have
concentrated on recovering that brine ever since.
If you would like to know more about
S.W. Austin the man for which
Austin Hall was named go to
This is a great site created by
Larry Blakely.

S. W. Austin with other Trona men on trip to Kern River : Photo from J.

Trona men on trip to Kern River : Photo from J. A. Whitelaw
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