Indian George 1918- J. Whitelaw CollectionIndian
George Hanson (also know as Indian George Inyo) is the best of the Indians alive at the
time of the Silver Stampede into Panamint City, the golden years of Ballarat, and the
early mining of borax by John Searles.
That name was given to him by the white men when he was employed as a
wood-packer at Panamint City in the early 1870s. His Indian name was Bah-vanda-savany-kee
(meaning boy who ran away).
Indian George remembered the immigrants who were part of the Jayhawker,
Manly-Bennett Party in the winter of 1849-1850. These stalwarts came across Death Valley
and the Panamints. George's name is connected to these immigrants. He was called "Boy
who ran away," because when he saw the white men he was afraid and ran away.
He was a small by at the time and had never before seen a white man, much
less "cows" the oxen drawing wagons, nor the wagons themselves.
George was born at Surveyor Wells in Death Valley about 1841. He died at
around the age of 105 and is buried somewhere in the Mesquites. No white man knows where
the Indians hide their graves. He is thought to be buried near the Indian Ranch in
Panamint Valley, ten miles north of Ballarat,
where he lived the winters for over 80 years.
In 1930, his family consisted of his sister, "Old Woman"; a
daughter, Isobel; a granddaughter, and Molly who herded the Angora goats which had been
provided by the Indian service.
Molly and the goats wintered at the Indian Ranch which had a crude water
system built to supply water from Hall Canyon. It was a system of flumes which brought the
water to the ranch for irrigation and domestic use. This water system was intact until
very recently when vandals destroyed it along with many other historic relics of the
Indians life at the ranch.
Warm Springs, near the Indian Ranch, was used for grazing the goats. In
the late spring. Molly took the goats up to the Panamints where grazing was better and
water was abundant.
For many years before Molly, the Indians had camped in Pleasant Canyon
near the Stone Corral in the summer. After most of the Indians had died or left the area,
many returned to the old summer camping ground and poked around obviously looking for
something. Miners in the area were never able to find what the Indians were seeking.
The food of the Indians in the Panamints like in the other mountains of
the Mojave Desert was pinion nuts, wild animals and a umber of edible plants. Squaw tea
plants are numerous in the higher elevations of the Panamints from which a hot drink was
George Pipkin was privileged to learn first hand from some of the Indians
about their families, customs, and legends. George and his wife, Ann, were resident
manager and co-owner of Wildross Station at the entrance of Death Valley Monument through
Wild Ross Canyon from 1946 until 1950. Here much of the material for the book was
Sometimes Mike, the crippled son of Indian George, would come on his
crutches along with his three sons, Leland, Dugan and Buster, to live at the ranch. They
lived at Darwin most of the time.
George and his family, like many Indians of the eastern Sierra, are
classed as Shoshone. However, locally they were known as the Panamint Indians.
Indian Ranch, still and Indian reservation, is leased from time to time
for grazing purposes upon bid.
Indian George and his people got their salt from Searles Lake. That was
how he met John Searles. He and his father worked for Searles, alongside the Chinese
brought into the Mojave Desert for road building and other labor tasks.
When telling about Ballarat,
which Indian George called "Kow-wah," he said, "Many men come. Houses
spring up over night. Freight teams and stages coming-going all the time. Many saloons,
much firewater. Lots shooting and fights. No place for Indian. Good place to stay away
The above information was copied from the Searles Valley Historical
Society "OL' TIMER" Volume IX No. 3 July, August, September 1994 newsletter,
where this excerpt was reprinted from the book Ballarat - Facts & Folklore
(1897-1917) written by Paul Hubard, Doris Bray and George Pipkin.